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0212 595 0892
  • Prodaxı Foto Galeri 1788
  • Prodaxı Foto Galeri 1789
  • Prodaxı Foto Galeri 1790
  • Prodaxı Foto Galeri 1791
  • Prodaxı Foto Galeri 1792
  • Prodaxı Foto Galeri 1793
  • Prodaxı Foto Galeri 1794
  • Prodaxı Foto Galeri 1795
  • Prodaxı Foto Galeri 1796
  • Prodaxı Foto Galeri 1797


We have a set of criteria that we consider when creating a brand name as a brand. Firstly, in the first stage, real information about the institution to be named was collected in order to make naming planning. Real information; The activity area of ​​the institution is information such as determining the functionality of the goods and services to be produced, the objectives and the target audience of the institution. Later, brand name creation steps were meticulously implemented by Markalize Brand Name Center.

The determined brand name was decided as "Prodaxi" and it was created by considering our brand name to evoke the field of activity of the institution. The activity field of our institution has been created by taking into consideration the impact and perception that the brand will create in the target audience by considering product service functionality. While determining the brand name, we found it appropriate to use the name "Prodaxi" to indicate that it is a brand serving in the transportation sector.

While creating this name, we made sure that it was inclusive and comprehensive. We have created a name that indicates both the field of activity and where it is used. We have created a versatile brand name. We ensured the concept of “Public Relations”, which means public relations, with the initial “Pr” suffix. Because the job is advertising and public relations work. He also referred to professionalism with the "Pro" syllable. We refer to the word "Proactive", which means being prepared in advance, taking precautions, rehearsing at the same time as the "Pro" syllable. The word “Prod” is of English origin and was preferred because it includes the meaning of encouragement and encouragement. We found it appropriate to use the letter “X” because it is a reason for attraction in people's minds. With the word “Roda”, we have hinted that it guides the target audience by associating “Rota”. We drew attention to “Focus” with the word “Odax” and stated that the target audience will focus on our advertising work. Since the word "Daxi" is a commercial vehicle "Taxi", we found it appropriate to be used by establishing a similarity relationship.

Thus, we have created the brand name “Prodaxi” by recognizing the brand in global and national platforms, easily pronounced and taking care to be read and written in the same way.