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0212 595 0892
  • Extrady Foto Galeri 1778
  • Extrady Foto Galeri 1779
  • Extrady Foto Galeri 1780
  • Extrady Foto Galeri 1781
  • Extrady Foto Galeri 1782
  • Extrady Foto Galeri 1783
  • Extrady Foto Galeri 1784
  • Extrady Foto Galeri 1785
  • Extrady Foto Galeri 1786
  • Extrady Foto Galeri 1787


We have a set of criteria that we consider when creating a brand name as a brand. First of all, in the first stage, real information about the institution to be named was collected so that naming planning can be made. Real information; The activity area of ​​the institution is information such as determining the functionality of the goods and services to be produced, the objectives and the target audience of the institution. Later, brand name creation steps were meticulously implemented by Markalize Brand Name Center. The determined brand name has been decided as “EXTRADY” and it has been revealed by considering our brand name to evoke the field of activity of the institution.

EXTRADY business area was created by taking into consideration the impact and perception that the brand will create in the target audience by considering product service functionality. The EXTRADY brand name has been chosen in order to explain the characteristics of the brand and to convey the desired message to the target audience. Thus, a better positioning is made on the target audience, as well as the perception integrity is provided. Since the company that the EXTRADY brand was designed as an export-import and e-commerce company, an international and professional brand name study was carried out. As it is an international brand, it is aimed to evoke the same thing by everyone, which is easy to read and understand in universal language. Thus, it was decided under the brand name EXTRADY.

Two keywords form the basis of our brand name. The word “EXTRA” is seen in the first word of the brand name. This gives the brand name “extra, extra” meaning in Turkish. When we look at the other half of the brand name, we perceive the word "TRADE" in English. Since it is an international brand name, it is designed in English and the word “Extra Trade” is perceived. In English, "Trade" means trade in Turkish, and the word "Trady" is referred to trade, and its trade meaning is gained. Thus, the brand name appears as a strong brand, which can be predicted in which sector it operates in the first reading.

With EXTRADY, it is ensured that it is a recognizable and memorable brand name in the global and national platform. It is aimed to be permanent by creating the EXTRADY brand name by creating awareness in the target audience perception by making sure that its pronunciation is easy, written and readable with the same voice.